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Find the right dress size for kids

KidsGroFo offers an accurate forecast.

Finding the right dress size for children can be difficult. But now there’s an innovative app to help parents: KidsGroFo. With the free application for Android and Apple smartphones, parents can, for example, already calculate their children’s future clothing size for next year and shop accordingly – regardless of age. This way, they no longer miss out on any offers and can avoid bad purchases.

The right size for children and babies

With the KidsGroFo app, parents can ensure that they always have the right clothes in the right size for their baby from birth for every age. Thanks to the precise calculations of future children’s sizes, parents can plan their wardrobe for the coming months at an early stage and prepare for their child’s needs. KidsGroFo offers valuable support and makes it possible to enjoy children’s clothes for longer.

Calculation of future children's sizes

Wie die Körpermaße richtig zu messen sind

KidsGroFo is based on the child’s current body measurements, such as height, head circumference and foot length. Based on this data, the app calculates the future clothing sizes for tops, pants, shoes and headwear. With the stored size scales of different countries, parents can also easily order children’s clothes from home and abroad in the appropriate size.

App for the whole family

The advantage of the KidsGroFo app, developed by a family man, is not only that parents can buy the right clothing size for their children at any age, but also that fewer clothes have to be exchanged. This not only saves time and money, but also protects the environment. In addition, exchanging clothes with each other is made easier because friends and relatives can be given access to the child’s measurement data via the app – so these people also know the child’s current and future sizes.

Size table is automatically adjusted

Using KidsGroFo is simple and time-saving. The child’s measurement data is recorded within a few minutes. When the measurement is taken again, the app automatically adjusts the calculation of clothing sizes. In the process, the children’s measurement data is stored anonymously on KidsGroFo’s servers, while personal information such as photos of the children remains exclusively local on the users‘ smartphones.

Always the right clothes

KidsGroFo is a helpful app for parents who want to find the right clothing size for their children at any age. It makes shopping for children’s clothes easier, saves time and money, and protects the environment at the same time. With KidsGroFo, parents can follow current trends and ensure that their children always wear the right clothes in the right size. Use the free app to determine the right size for your child and benefit from the advantages KidsGroFo offers.

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