Logo der KidsGroFo App mit transparentem Hintergrund

Need help with the KidsGroFo app?​

We have compiled and answered a number of frequently asked questions (FAQ). In most cases there should already be something there that will help you. If your question is still there, then contact us, we will try to help you as soon as possible.


You can find the IOs version in the Apple App Store and the Android version in the Google Playstore.

Just search for "KidsGroFo" and you will find the app very quickly.

Then follow the instructions of the respective app store as you would for installing any other app.

The KidsGroFo app is specially designed for smartphones (Apple iPhones and smartphones with Android operating system), because you always have your phone with you.

Unfortunately, the app does not run on tablets, laptops or PCs.


In order to use the KidsGroFo app, you must first register in the app.

To do this, please enter your email address and choose a password for yourself.

The password must be at least 5 characters long and contain letters and numbers.

Next, confirm that you have read and accepted our "Terms and Conditions" and our "Privacy Policy".

Then select the country from which you are using the app. This information is needed to display the appropriate clothing size scales for you (i.e. for your country).

Once you have successfully completed the registration, you just need to log in to get started.

Have fun with the KidsGroFo app!

To register with KidsGroFo, we need your email address and a password.

Since both your email address and password are only stored in encrypted form on our server, please make sure that you enter your email address correctly.

We do not have access to this data. A subsequent change can therefore not be made by us.

Many countries use their own clothing sizes for children (e.g. EU, USA, UK, JP, FR etc.).

In order for us to set the correct clothing size scales for your country, we need the information in which country you want to use the app.

You can change this at any time later, for example, when you go on vacation to buy children's clothes in another country or order online.

We designed the KidsGroFo app so that you can give friends and family access to your own children's measurement data.

These people can then also help to measure the child regularly.

This could be grandma or the godfather, for example.

The parent who first created the own child should give the other parent access to the data directly in the next step (see under "Sharing data").


To log in to the KidsGroFo app, all you need to do is enter the email address and password you used to register in the KidsGroFo app.

If it happens to you that you can't remember your KidsGroFo password, then it is possible that you request a temporary password.

This password will be sent to your email address stored at KidsGroFo and will be valid for 24 hours.

You will find a "FORGOTTEN PASSWORD" button on the login screen.

If you click on it, you will be asked to enter your email address in the next step.

IMPORTANT: use the email address you registered with in the KidsGroFo app.

You will then immediately receive an email with a code. Use it to log in to the KidsGroFo app.

In the next step, you will have to enter a new password that you would like to use in the future.

Since KidsGroFo only stores your e-mail address in encrypted form, we are unfortunately unable to help you in this case, as we cannot read your e-mail address in clear form.

This is to protect your data. So you have to register again.

Yes, this is possible.

You can also log in to the KidsGroFo app on other phones with your email address and password.

However, personal data of the children (full name, photos of the children, name of the parents) are only stored on your smartphone.

This data is not available on another smartphone and would have to be re-entered there.


In the settings we have stored some important basic settings of the app (such as the language, the units of measurement, contact to our support, etc.).

You can find the settings page by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner.

In the settings you will find the following:

  •  Language of the app
  • Units of measurement
    (cm or inch)
  • Clothing sizes
    (here you can change the size scales depending on the country)
  • Recommend KidsGroFo
    (if you want to recommend the KidsGroFo app to friends or family)
  • Help
    (in case you still get stuck and need our support)
  • Info pages
    (if you want the info pages to be displayed again when you start the app)
  • Feedback about the app (here you can give us feedback)
  •  Privacy policy and terms and conditions
  • Delete account
    (if you want to delete your KidsGroFo account permanently)
  • Logout
    (if you want to log out of the app)

In the settings you can change the language of the app.

We have several languages in the app and will add more.

Currently, the languages German and English are stored.

However, we are interested in adding more languages to the app in the future.

Yes, but we need your support.

If you want to help us add a new language to the app, please contact us directly at add_language@kidsgrofo.com.

We will contact you and try to find a way to translate the texts from the app and add them to the app as soon as possible.

We are grateful for any support.

The length measurements in the KidsGroFo app can be recorded and output in cm or inches.

On the Settings page (the gear icon at the top right of the page), you can choose between specifications in cm and inches.

The information you have already entered will then be converted accordingly.

We already have the dress sizes for some countries stored in the app (USA, UK, the European Union, France, Japan).

Surely there are other dress sizes in the world that we have not been able to include yet.

Help us to add them to the app. Please send us an email (in English or German) to: add_scale@kidsgrofo.com.

We will try to add this scale to the app as soon as possible. If necessary we need your help.

The size scale for the clothing sizes of a country can be changed in two areas of the app.

On the one hand, you can find this in the settings under the item "Clothing sizes" and on the other hand, you can find the button "CHANGE SIZE SCALE" on the detail page of a child directly under the display of the clothing sizes.

There you will find a selection of countries for which we have already stored the dress sizes in the KidsGroFo app.

If a dress size is still missing for your country, please send us an email (in German or English) to: add_scale@kidsgrofo.com

We will try to add this scale to the app as soon as possible. If necessary we need your help.

In order to add a new dress size scale to the app, we need your support.

First of all, please write us an email (in English or German) to add_scale@kidsgrofo.com, telling us for which country the dress size scale is still missing.

We will then check if the dress size scale is not yet available in the app, but maybe already in progress.

If this is not the case, then we will contact you again, as we need help to collect the correct values for the dress size.

We are very happy about every recommendation. Because a recommendation is the best advertisement for our work.

In the settings we have added a separate item "Recommend KidsGroFo". There we have already stored text suggestions that you can send to your friends and family via e-mail, SMS or Messenger (e.g. Whatsapp or Signal).

The bigger the KidsGroFo community gets, the more useful the app becomes for everyone.

We thank you for every recommendation.

Your KidsGroFo Team

If you would like to help us with the further development of the app, please send us your comments by e-mail (in German or English) to the following address: contact@kidsgrofo.com.

We always need hints about bugs in the app or about features that are too cumbersome or complicated.

Then we can work on these features and improve them.

We are also always grateful for new ideas and suggestions for improvement.

We also gladly accept monetary donations so that the use of the KidsGroFo app remains free of charge and we can still incorporate new functions.


The KidsGroFo app differentiates between whether you want to create your own children or children of friends and relatives.

On the overview page of all children, you will find the button "CREATE NEW CHILD" in the lower area.

To create your own child, you need to enter the data about your child.

If you want to create a child of friends, who give you access to the measurement data, then get the corresponding "Kids Code" from these friends.

Once you have entered this code, you are automatically linked to the child.

The nickname is a short name of a child (e.g. a nickname or a short form of the full name).

This is needed so that you can correctly assign the child within the app (e.g. if you want to add photos or the parents' names to a child).

The nickname should be kept short enough so that only friends and relatives can assign the child.

So please refrain from entering the full first and last name at this point. The nickname is also stored on the KidsGroFo servers.

You can save the full name (first and last name) at another place in the app. However, this data is then only stored on the smartphone.

We at KidsGroFo and other people will not have access to this personal information.

If you want to share your children's data with friends or relatives who also use the KidsGroFo app, you can have a so-called "Kids Code" created for your child.

You can access this option by clicking on the "SHARE" button. For each person with whom you want to share the data, you must create a separate "Kids Code", as it is only valid specifically for that child and for 24 hours.

You can then share this code with friends and family verbally, via email, SMS or Messenger (e.g. Whatsapp or Signal).


In the display of a child you will find the button "EDIT".

Click on this button. Then the page "More information about the child" opens. There you will find the button "DELETE".

When you click on delete, you will be asked if you really want to delete the child. So you can't delete a child by mistake.


The overview page of all children stored in the app can be sorted in different ways.

You will find the "SORT" button at the top right of the page. When you press it, a selection of different sorting options opens.

In the upper part of the overview of all children you will find a "Search" field.

There you can search for a specific child by entering the name or a combination of letters contained in the child's name you are looking for.


In order for the app to correctly calculate children's future clothing sizes, it is important that a) measurements are taken regularly b) correctly.

You can find instructions on how to measure the individual body areas correctly on the "Measure child" page.

There please click on the button "INSTRUCTION - MEASURE CORRECTLY". We have put together a list of how to measure the head circumference, the body length or the foot length.

Since toddlers are not yet able to stand on their own, it is easier to take a measurement while lying down.

Since a lying child is a bit longer than when standing, the difference is taken into account in the app.

As soon as the child can stand independently, the measurement should be taken standing up.

For the calculation of the different dress sizes it would be great if you could always measure all body parts.

However, only the body length is a mandatory field, which must always be specified for a measurement.

Otherwise, when calculating the head circumference for cap sizes or the foot length for shoe sizes, older measurement values are used.

The measurement values for chest circumference, waist circumference or hip circumference are optional.

Clothing manufacturers have defined a range for each clothing size in which the child's sizes should be.

If the child's respective circumference is below this range, then it is probably more of a narrow child. Conversely, if the child's circumference is larger than the range, then it is probably more of a wide child.

In order for the clothes to fit, you should take this into account and buy larger or smaller clothing sizes if necessary.

"The more up-to-date the measurement data, the more accurate the recommendations on clothing sizes calculated in the KidsGroFo app.

Now that doesn't mean you have to measure all the time. But especially in the first years of the child's life, measurements should be taken every 3-4 months, then every 5-6 months.

The app shows you when you should measure again. You can see this by a colored indication on the overview page of the children as well as a colored button "MEASURE" on the detail page of the child.

At the bottom of the "Measurements" page, you will find a text field where you can enter which colors, motifs or styles your child particularly prefers.

This display will be shown to the app users you have connected to.


In the upper part of the ad you will find the child's personal data (photo, nickname and full name of the child, parents' names, date of birth). This information is used to match the child.

Next you will find an area where the child's parents can indicate what kind of clothes the child needs at the moment.

If nothing has been selected here yet, then the area remains hidden.

Now comes next the "heart" of the KidsGroFo app - the display of current and future clothing sizes for headwear, jackets & t-shirts, pants and shoes.

You can scroll the display to the right and left to show you at what time the child needs which clothing size.

In the background of the display you can also see what time of year it is (at the moment for the northern hemisphere of the earth).
In addition, the date and the age of the child are displayed.

This is followed by an area where parents can specify what kind of clothes the child prefers (colors, motifs, styles, etc.) as well as the manufacturers whose clothes suit the child particularly well.

Finally, you'll see the date of the last measurement as well as the last readings.

If I scroll the display up to the date (to the right or left) I want to view, I find out the clothing size the child probably has at that time.

However, the longer it has been since the child was last measured, the less accurate the data.

We therefore recommend measuring the child regularly.

Some special dates can be jumped to directly. You will find a button labeled "GO TO DATE" below the display.

If you click on it, a selection of special dates will appear. There you can jump directly to the next birthday of the child or the next Easter or Christmas.

If we need to add more dates, please write us your suggestions. Thank you

You can view the future clothing sizes of a child by moving the display to the left.

You can also view some special days in the future by clicking on the "GO TO DATE" button.

We have already stored some special dates like the child's next birthday, Christmas or Easter.

If you want us to add more regular dates to the list, please send us an email (in English or German), which dates you think are still missing.

Please use the email address contact@kidsgrofo.com

In the display of clothing sizes you will find the four symbols for headwear, jackets, pants and shoes on the left side.

If your child is particularly narrow or wide in the chest, waist or hip area (i.e. narrower or wider than the clothing manufacturer intended for this body size), then a red arrow will appear next to the symbols for jackets and pants, pointing up or down.

You can click on that icon and it will advise you to possibly buy a smaller dress size for a narrow child, for example.


On the child's page where the clothing sizes are displayed, you will find a button at the bottom labeled "SHARE".

If you click on it, a new page "Share data from #" will open.

There you must first enter the name of the person you want to give access to your child's measurement data.

This name is only for display on your own smartphone and will not be stored on our servers.

Then you need to decide what rights you want the person to have.

"Guest rights" allow to retrieve the child's measurement data and help with measurement yourself.

"All rights" allows the user to additionally share the child's measurement data with other people. For example, it makes sense to grant "All rights" to the second parent of the child.

After that please click on the button "REQUEST NEW ACCESS". In the overview further down a new position with the "Kids Code" will appear.

You can now give this code to the person verbally, by email, SMS or Messenger. They now have 24 hours to enter the code. After that, the code will expire and a new one may have to be requested.

The "Kids Code" is a code consisting of numbers and letters that you can send to a friend if you want to give him/her access to your child's measurement data.

You can send the code verbally, by email, text message or messenger.

This must then be entered in the KidsGroFo app in the "Create new child" section.

You can transmit the "Kids Code" in any conceivable way.

Whether by e-mail, SMS, messenger (e.g. Whatsapp or Signal) or even verbally by phone, the only important thing is that the letter/number combination is entered correctly in the KidsGroFo app.

Please tell your friends and relatives that the respective code is only valid for 24 hours. After that, a new one would have to be requested.

You can revoke the access authorization to the measurement data of your children EVERY TIME.

To do this, please select the "Share data" page, where you will find an overview of all the people to whom you have previously given access to the data of this child.

At the person you want to remove the access from, you will find a button labeled "Delete access".

If you click on it, you will be asked once again if you really want to remove the access.

If you confirm with OK, KidsGroFo will remove the account. From now on, the child will no longer be displayed to the other person. From now on, the child will no longer be displayed to the other person.


Another useful feature of the KidsGroFo app is that you can tell your friends and family (with whom you share your child's measurement data) what kind of clothes your child needs at the moment.

Your friends and family will see this and so they can check if they have any clothes left to fit or would like to give something to your child.

You will find the button "CLOTHES NEEDED" on your child's page. When you click on it, a new page will open, showing a variety of clothing items.

For each item of clothing you can select whether your child needs it at the moment. This will then be shown to your friends for the next 50 days in the clothing sizes display as well.
This will then be shown to your friends for the next 50 days in the clothing sizes display as well.

You can take back the ad at any time or extend it for another 50 days.

For the display of required clothing, we have deposited the following clothing items, and divided them into the following categories:

  • Headgear (for the whole year)
    cap, hat
  • Upper body (for the whole year)
    undershirt, bra, T-shirt (long and short-sleeved), shirt, polo shirt, sweater, sweatshirt, cardigan, jacket, coat
  • Legs (for the whole year)
    underpants/briefs, pants (short and long)
  • Feet (for the whole year)
    socks (short and long), shoes, boots
  • Summer
    sun hat, swimming trunks, sandals
  • Winter
    hat (warm), sweater (warm), winter jacket, down vest, tights, snow pants, socks (warm), snow shoes
  • Rain
    rain jacket, rain pants, rubber boots
  • Sport
    Sports shirt, sports jacket, sports pants (long and short), sports shoes

On the page "Measure child", you will find a text field in the lower area in which you can write which clothing brands/manufacturers particularly suit your child.

This note will then be shown to your friends and family in the child's ad page as well.

Important: Please make sure to write only appropriate texts in these text fields.

On the page ""Measure child"", you will find a text field in the lower area in which you can write which clothing brands/manufacturers particularly suit your child.

This note will then be shown to your friends and family in the child's ad page as well.

Important: Please make sure to write only appropriate texts in these text fields.


We protect children's personal information by not storing it on our KidsGroFo servers in the first place.

Personal information such as the full names of the children, the names of the parents or the photos of the children are stored exclusively on your smartphone.

We do not have access to this data and neither does anyone else.

What we do store is the child's gender and date of birth, as this information is necessary for calculating clothing sizes and we need to store it when you give friends and relatives access to your child's measurement data.

What we also store is a so-called nickname of your child. This can be a nickname or the short form of the child. This nickname can be up to 12 characters long and should never be the child's full first and last name.

We need the nickname so that you and friends and relatives to whom you allow access to the measurement data of this child can correctly assign the child.

We have divided the storage of data at KidsGroFo into 2 areas.

One is the data that is stored on our servers. This concerns the data of your own children, which is needed if you want to share measurement data with friends and relatives.

On the other hand, the personal data that you need to be able to distinguish between your children and the children for whom you are granted access to their measurement data.

We store the measurement data anonymously on our servers. It is not possible to draw conclusions about your child.

The children's personal data is only stored on your smartphone. If you lose your phone or it stops working, this data cannot be recovered by us, as we and no other persons have access to this data at any time.

Our data and the corresponding backups are on servers at a provider in Germany.


The KidsGroFo app can be uninstalled like any other app. Please note, however, that this does not automatically delete your KidsGroFo account.

You can reinstall the KidsGroFo app at any time and log in again. Only the personal data and photos of the children will be irretrievably deleted by a de-installation.

If you also want to remove your KidsGroFo account, you will find this option in the settings.

To delete your KidsGroFo account, you need to go to the settings. You can find them in the view on the top right (the cogwheel symbol).

At the very bottom of the settings is the item "Delete account". If you click on the button "DELETE ACCOUNT", you will be asked for the last time if you really want to delete your account.

If you confirm the question with OK, KidsGroFo will delete your account irretrievably.

However, you can also leave your account with us and only uninstall the KidsGroFo app. If you want to come back to us at a later date, your children's measurement data will still be available.

Only the data stored on your smartphone about the children (photos, names, your relationships with the children) will be deleted. You will not incur any costs during your absence.


The KidsGroFo App is developed and operated by KidsGroFo GmbH & Co. KG developed and operated. Commercial register: HRA 8036 Neuss Local Court The sole managing partner is Oliver Mathis. Our address is: KidsGroFo GmbH & CO. KG Kamperweg 8a 40670 Meerbusch Germany Homepage: kidsgrofo.com E-mail address: contact@kidsgrofo.com

Commercial register: HRA 8036
Neuss Local Court

The sole managing partner is Oliver Mathis.

Our address is:
KidsGroFo GmbH & CO. KG
Schwertgesweg 23
40670 Meerbusch

Homepage: kidsgrofo.com

E-mail address: contact@kidsgrofo.com


You can reach us at contact@kidsgrofo.com

Since we are only a small company, we apologize in advance if it takes a little longer to answer your email.

Please make sure that you send us emails in German or English only, otherwise we won't be able to read them. Thank you for your understanding.

© KidsGroFo 2022 GmbH & Co. KG